Sunday, December 8, 2013

BOOM! The event was very successful in my opinion. Everything ran smoothly and there was no problem our class couldn't fix. I started off overseeing the parking situation. Wendy and her boyfriend covered the vendors parking spots while I covered patrons. After an hour Lauren and Pantea sent two volunteers to cover my spot so I could walk around and manage stuff inside which was very nice of them! I then headed for the registration table with Ferdinand, Ana, Emery, and Najida. After they were fine, and settled I went to the giveaways and fruit stand table outside with Charlyn and Cindy. Grabbed a bagel and helped relieve my team for breaks for food and snacks. I participated in some of the dance classes like Zumba, Tai Chi, and Cheeve's workouts. I helped a couple vendors set up and put things away. Got to talk to Jason and they got a couple volunteers to help him walk around the park. The event was awesome, and we all had a lot of fun. Great memories with great people! Here's the Guest Relations team! (Wendy not included she went home too fast lol).

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Prep Day before the Event

Alright the event is tomorrow! I got to OneGeneration at about 8:16 because of traffic and rain (sorry!). Helped rearrange tables, put up posters, and print out the papers we needed. Helped figure out the raffle situation as well as the giveaways. Cathy brought us delicious cookies, and we all left feeling that we covered all the corners for the event tomorrow, but we shall find out for sure tomorrow! Wish us luck haha